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Energy Imprinted Paintings
These paintings are created with imprints of the highest energy possible for the highest and greatest good for a particular year.
Click on a painting to get more information. Link to purchase is on bottom left corner.
The last painting, Book a Reading is the option to schedule a 30 minute reading with me to create a personal painting imprinted with the highest energy possible for your personal healing and transformation.
Roll mouse over the painting to click on the Go To Link to schedule an appointment.
Click the YouTube button below to watch an interview about the process and particulars concerning the power of these paintings.
Empowering art

Silver/Blue Angel 2024

Sending Forth 2022
20" x 20" purple/blue/copper acrylic on canvas sold

The Feminine

Divinity with the Feminine
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas. peach, yellow, eggplant, lime green sold

18" x 24" acrylic on canvas. dk green, dk blue, dk. purple, orange, yellow sold

The Highest and Greatest Good for 2023
18" x 24" acrylic on canvas. grey, lt blue, red purple sold

IMG_1797 2
30-minute psychic reading resulting in an 18"x 24" or 20" x 20" painting with the highest energetic imprint encased in the work of art. $500
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